Sunday 30 June 2019

Stirling tourist bus returns.

Stirling's tourist bus service , the 1314, returns to service from July 8th-September 14th, linking the town's bus & rail stations with Stirling Castle & The Wallace Monument every 40 minutes.
Despite it's Route number, the service isn't serving the Battle of Bannockburn  this year.

Airth loses Sunday services

The council subsided F16 Service between Stirling & Falkirk has been withdrawn on Sundays. Stirling Council have replaced it with a Dial A Journey service operated by Order Of Malta, for Fallin & Throsk residents wishing to travel to Stirling between 0900-1700. F16 Journeys continue between Falkirk & Westquarter, but it leaves Airth & Letham without any Sunday Servivce.
Monday-Saturday journeys are unaffected.

Lothian's Green Arrow arrives in West Lothian

Lothian Buses coach operation, Green Arrow, have started two new express routes , from Linlithgow & Bathgate to Edinburgh.  The half hourly services run in direct competition to First Bus and Scotrail train services.
At the same time, First have launched Bright Bus tours, aimed at the capital's tourist market, currently dominated by Lothian.
The competition between First & Lothian has been building since Lothian began services in West Lothian last year.